API Reference
The Redux API surface is tiny. Redux defines a set of contracts for you to implement (such as reducers) and provides a few helper functions to tie these contracts together.
This section documents the complete Redux API. Keep in mind that Redux is only concerned with managing the state. In a real app, you'll also want to bind the state to the UI. There are several approaches to binding state to the UI, and these docs will evolve as patterns emerge for multiplatform. One approach is the Presenter-middleware
ReduxKotlin keeps the same type definitions as Javascript Redux so it will be consistent, and
possibly share code with the web. Typealiases are used to define all the types and all are contained
Generics are used for the state, and Any
is used for the action type.
* See also https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#reducer
typealias Reducer<State> = (state: State, action: Any) -> State
* Reducer for a particular subclass of actions. Useful for Sealed classes &
* exhaustive when statements. See [reducerForActionType].
typealias ReducerForActionType<TState, TAction> = (state: TState, action: TAction) -> TState
typealias GetState<State> = () -> State
typealias StoreSubscriber = () -> Unit
typealias StoreSubscription = () -> Unit
typealias Dispatcher = (Any) -> Any
// Enhancer is type Any? to avoid a circular dependency of types.
typealias StoreCreator<State> = (
reducer: Reducer<State>,
initialState: State,
enhancer: Any?
) -> Store<State>
* Take a store creator and return a new enhanced one.
* See https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#store-enhancer
typealias StoreEnhancer<State> = (StoreCreator<State>) -> StoreCreator<State>
* https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#middleware
typealias Middleware<State> = (store: Store<State>) -> (next: Dispatcher) -> (action: Any) -> Any
data class Store<State>(
val getState: GetState<State>,
var dispatch: Dispatcher,
val subscribe: (StoreSubscriber) -> StoreSubscription,
val replaceReducer: (Reducer<State>) -> Unit
) {
val state: State
get() = getState()
Top-Level Functions
- createStore(reducer: Reducer, preloadedState: State, enhancer: StoreEnhancer)
- createThreadSafeStore(reducer: Reducer, preloadedState: State, enhancer: StoreEnhancer)
- applyMiddleware(...middlewares)
- compose(...functions)
Store API
- Store
- getState() - also available as [state] property
- dispatch(action)
- subscribe(listener)
- replaceReducer(nextReducer)