ReduxKotlin includes a few examples currently and plans to port many of the JS Redux examples over. You may also find the JS examples helpful
Run the Counter example:
git clone https://github.com/reduxkotlin/redux-kotlin.git
./gradlew examples:counter:installDebug
Open the root project in Android Studio/Intellij. Select and run the configuration for the Android example/counter example.
Run the Todos example:
git clone https://github.com/reduxkotlin/redux-kotlin.git
./gradlew examples:todos:installDebug
Open the root project in Android Studio/Intellij. Select and run the configuration for the Android example/counter example.
This is a multiplatform app for Android and iOS. It is a quiz on dog/cat breeds. This is a more complete example of how to use Redux in a real application. Async actions such as network requests and delays are demonstrated. Also used is the presenter-middleware as a presentation layer.
Run the NameGame example:
git clone https://github.com/reduxkotlin/NameGameSampleApp.git
./gradlew android:installDebug
Open the root project in Android Studio/Intellij. Select and run the configuration for the Android example/counter example.
Open the iOS/NameGame in XCode.
This is a multiplatform app for Android and iOS. It is a quiz on dog/cat breeds. This is a more complete example of how to use Redux in a real application. Async actions such as network requests and delays are demonstrated. Also used is the presenter-middleware as a presentation layer.
Run the ReadingList example:
git clone https://github.com/reduxkotlin/ReadingListSampleApp.git
./gradlew android:installDebug
Open the root project in Android Studio/Intellij. Select and run the configuration for the Android example/counter example.
Open the iOS/ReadingList in XCode.
Fork of an 100% SwiftUI app that uses shared Kotlin code for networking, preferences, reducers, actions, and more.
Run the MovieSwiftUI-Kotlin example:
git clone https://github.com/reduxkotlin/MovieSwiftUI-Kotlin.git
Open the iOS/ReadingList in XCode.
A minimal Jetpack Compose screen is implemented.